작성일 : 12-05-08 17:40
Re: this is S.Korea.. (Nord)
 글쓴이 : 최고관리자
조회 : 384  
Hey Sang-ho,
Of course I rememebr you. Just a short email, I am
have to work in a minute ( teaching German in

Family and life is good and I miss Korea - very

Please say hello to all our students, please!!

I miss them!!!!! Miss you, miss Korea! And hello to
all professors!

All the best and please keep on wriitng to me -


***  오랜만에 홀거노르트 교수로부터 연락이 왔습니다.
잘살고있는것 같네요 그역시..  날잡아 호주도 한번 다녀와야 겠습니다 ^^ ***